Examples and tutorials

We have prepared some basic ipython notebooks in the examples folder to demonstrate the functionality of the package. Here, we give only two simple examples to show the general usage pattern.

Probability estimation

Let’s consider the example of training a RTBM to learn a gaussian probability distribution.

  1. The first step consists in generating normal distributed data:

    import numpy as np
    n = 1000
    data = (np.random.normal(5, 10, n)).reshape(1, n)
  2. Then we allocate a RTBM with one visible and 2 hidden units:

    from theta.rtbm import RTBM
    model = RTBM(1, 2, init_max_param_bound=20, random_bound=1)

    In this example we have set random_bound=1 to control the maximum random value for the Shur complement initialization. The init_max_param_bound=20 controls the maximum value allowed for all parameters during training with the CMA-ES minimizer. Both flags may require tuning in order to obtain the best model results.

  3. We train the model with the CMA-ES minimizer:

    from theta.minimizer import CMA
    from theta.costfunctions import logarithmic
    minim = CMA(False)
    solution = minim.train(logarithmic, model, data, tolfun=1e-4)
  4. The learned probabilities for given data can be queried via:



Be aware that fine tuning of parameters is required in order to achieve good training results. This can be achieved by varying random_bound and init_max_param_bound for RTBMs.

Also, the minimization algorithm provides extra options that may need to be adjusted in order to get acceptable results.

Data regression and classification

Let’s now consider a data regression problem.

  1. Suppose we have X_train and Y_train numpy arrays with respectively the support and target data. We allocate a DiagExpectationUnitLayer with Nin=X_train.shape[0] and Nout=X_train.shape[1]:

    from theta.model import Model
    from theta.layers import DiagExpectationUnitLayer
    model = Model()
    model.add(DiagExpectationUnitLayer(Nin, Nout, phase=1,

    In this example we have also set an optional random uniform initialization for the \(Q\) parameters through the Q_init flag. The model is trained in phase I (phase=1).

  2. Then we train the model using SGD:

    from theta.minimizer import SGD
    from theta.costfunctions import mse
    from theta.gradientschemes import RMSprop
    from theta.initializers import uniform
    minim = SGD()
    solution = minim.train(mse, model, X_train, Y_train,
                           scheme=RMSprop(), lr=0.01)

    For this particular setup we are using the mean square error cost function (mse) with stochastic gradient descent in the RMS propagation scheme (scheme=RMSprop()). The learning rate is lr=0.01 and may require tuning before getting the best results.

    When using SGD, it is possible to split the data into training and validation datasets automatically, by using the validation_split option, or by passing extra datasets, see theta.minimizer.SGD.train for more details.

  3. Predictions of the model can be obtained via:



In order to achieve good training results please check for each layer the optional parameters concerning initialization.

The SGD algorithm requires fine tuning of parameters such as the learning rate, scheme and batch size.